
Academia & Publishing

Tracing the life of Anna Vandenhoeck

When her husband died in 1750, Anna Vandenhoeck took over his publishing house – courageously defying the prevailing gender roles of her time. With determination and entrepreneurial skill, she laid the foundation for the success of Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, which is a renowned and internationally recognized brand of De Gruyter Brill today.

Arts & Humanities

Bohdan Stashynsky: The Internally Torn Assassin of Stepan Bandera and Lev Rebet

Intrigue and betrayal define the life of Bohdan Stashynsky, a former KGB assassin who risked everything to escape his past. His newly released memoirs shed light on the dark secrets of his espionage career and what led him to break free from the Soviet regime.

Politics & Society

Lauschangriff auf deutsche Offiziere: Russlands hybride Kriegsführung

Kommunikation ist im digitalen Zeitalter zu einer zentralen Ressource der Kriegsführung geworden. Dies bewies zuletzt eindrücklich der Abhörskandal um den möglichen Einsatz des Marschflugkörpers Taurus durch die Ukraine. Wie können journalistische Medien künftig in diesem „Krieg der Narrative“ bestehen?

Arts & Humanities

From Ohrdruf to Berlin: Eisenhower’s Enduring Legacy of “Never Again”

“Never again is now” – a slogan that rings truer than ever today – impels us to recall one of the first people who called upon the world to bear witness to the atrocities of the Holocaust and who worked actively to ensure that it would never happen again.

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