#Earth day

Academia & Publishing

6 Ways to Make Your Library Greener

Are you a librarian eager to contribute to a more sustainable world? We have some valuable tips and tricks to share with you!

Academia & Publishing

“Libraries Exist to Serve the Sustainable Development Goals”: An Interview with Barbara Lison

Libraries are key players in achieving the UN Sustainability Development Goals, according to Barbara Lison, President of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). We talked to her about the 17 goals, actionable steps librarians can take, and the importance of advocating.

Science & Technology

The Sea Walnut: Unwanted but not Unloved

This comb jelly is more than a gelatinous blob – it’s a notorious ecosystem invader, a highly adaptable survivor, and a master of reproduction. The sea walnut’s bizarre nature fuels both dreams and nightmares, but for this marine biologist, it was love at first sight.

Politics & Society

Climate Justice: Why Developed Countries Should Pay for Past Emissions

Greenhouse gas emissions have provided a wealth of benefits to developed countries at the expense of developing ones. In light of this “unjust enrichment,” developed countries now have to recognize their duty of climate restitution towards developing countries.

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