#Book Talks

Science & Technology

Phil De Luna on “Accelerated Materials Discovery”

In his latest book, Phil De Luna, PhD delves into the complexity of automated discovery. To learn more about the future of scientific development, we sat down with Phil for a book talk.

Arts & Humanities

Erika Quinn and Holly Yanacek on “Animals, Machines, and AI”

Erika Quinn’s and Holly Yanacek’s most recent book examines the emotional relationships between humans and non-humans in modern German cultural history. We wanted to learn more from the two volume editors, so we got together for a new book talk!

Arts & Humanities

Christine Meyer on “Questioning the Canon”

In her newest book, Dr. Christine Meyer opens up fresh perspectives on German-language minority literature since the reunification. To learn more about her work, we sat down with her for a book talk.

Arts & Humanities

Olivia Mitscherlich-Schönherr über „Das Gelingen der künstlichen Natürlichkeit“

Die Philosophin Olivia Mitscherlich-Schönherr beschäftigt sich mit Grenzsituationen des Lebens. Im neusten De Gruyter Book Talk spricht sie über den Einfluss disruptiver Biotechnologien auf unser Selbstverständnis als Mensch.

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