#academic publishing

Academia & Publishing

Die Leipziger Buchmesse in der DDR: Ein Interview mit Patricia F. Blume

In einer Zeit der Abschottung und politischen Spannungen, waren es Bücher, die Brücken zwischen Ost und West schlugen – die Leipziger Buchmesse als Knotenpunkt des deutsch-deutschen Kulturaustauschs spielte dabei eine ganz besondere Rolle. Wir sprachen mit der Medien- und Buchwissenschaftlerin Dr. Patricia F. Blume über die Messe als „Fenster zur Welt“, ihre ideologische Funktion, skurrile Klau- und Schmuggelgeschichten und noch vieles mehr.

Academia & Publishing

Artificial Intelligence in Modern Academic Libraries

Artificial intelligence technology brings a host of benefits and challenges for publishers and librarians alike. We asked several experts to share their views and experiences on navigating the evolving AI landscape.

Academia & Publishing

Image Alt Text: How to Make Your Scientific Publication More Accessible

Alt text is a fundamental tool for ensuring the accessibility of digital publications. But what should your alt text look like in order to make sure it is really useful to your audience? And how do you actually provide an alt text for images used in your publication? Here are some quick tips to help you out.

Academia & Publishing

How De Gruyter Is Making Its eBooks More Accessible

Not everyone experiences reading the same way. To ensure that people with visual impairments can access the same information as everybody else, we set up a dedicated working group at De Gruyter to improve the accessibility of our content. We spoke to three of its members about the challenges and achievements of the past year.

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