Politics & Society

Politics & Society

World on the Move: A Discussion with Kathryn Abrams and Mark Terkessidis

Right now, over 110 million people are experiencing displacement from their homes, surpassing all previous records of refugeedom. In the latest virtual event in our “Humanities for Humans” series, legal scholar Dr. Kathryn Abrams and migration researcher Dr. Mark Terkessidis discuss the pressing questions about a world on the move.

Politics & Society

Gender, Embodiment, Desire: A Discussion with Meg Fernandes and Jack Halberstam

Should gender be abolished? Why do conservatives fixate on trans youths? And what exactly do we mean by “non-binary”? In a recent event in our “Humanities for Humans” series, poet Meg Fernandes and gender theorist Jack Halberstam discussed today’s vital questions around gender, the body, and desire.

Politics & Society

Talking About Sustainability: What’s New in the “Green” Lexicon?

From “green loans” to “green hushing” – environmental discourse is continually expanding with new terms to guide us through a sustainability-oriented world. So, what’s the latest in the green lexicon?

Politics & Society

Resurrection Consent: It’s Time to Talk About Our Digital Afterlives

Your friend dies in a car crash. A company can resurrect her online avatar based on her digital footprint. Should you agree? A new study captures attitudes to the digital resurrection scenarios that will face us soon.

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