Academia & Publishing

How “Second-Hand Libraries” Breathe New Life into Old Buildings

In the pursuit for sustainability, there’s no need to construct new buildings to create new libraries. From repurposed railway stations and supermarkets even to slaughterhouses, the potential to establish unique library spaces infused with character and community spirit is limitless.

Arts & Humanities

From Ohrdruf to Berlin: Eisenhower’s Enduring Legacy of “Never Again”

“Never again is now” – a slogan that rings truer than ever today – impels us to recall one of the first people who called upon the world to bear witness to the atrocities of the Holocaust and who worked actively to ensure that it would never happen again.

Business & Economics

David Lingelbach and Valentina Rodríguez Guerra on “The Oligarchs’ Grip”

How have oligarchs become so powerful? Are they exclusively men? Is there anything “good” about them? And what is it like to sit across from one for an interview? Join David Lingelbach and Valentina Rodríguez Guerra in our latest book talk as we delve into the enigma of oligarchs and their global influence.

Science & Technology

What Artificial Intelligence Will Never Be Able to Achieve

When, if ever, will artificial intelligence fully surpass human capabilities? What happens to our autonomy when we entrust AI with the task of shaping our future? And why can’t a robot deliver a genuine compliment? Reflecting on the limits of AI leads to a deeper understanding of our own complexity.

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