Arts & Humanities

Ice Play: What Ice Does in Lyrics, Novels, Toys and Games

It can be cut, stacked, shaped, liquified, swallowed, shattered, and reshaped again and again. Ice as a recurring theme in literature and games provides a canvas for a wealth of phenomena and features of human existence.

Arts & Humanities

Wilfried Hinsch und Susanne Brandtstädter über „Gefährliche Forschung“

Welchen Einfluss haben wissenschaftliche Innovationen auf unseren Alltag? Was macht neue Erkenntnisse potenziell „gefährlich“? Und welche Verantwortung tragen Forschende gegenüber der Öffentlichkeit? Über dies und mehr sprachen wir mit Wilfried Hinsch und Susanne Brandtstädter.

Academia & Publishing

14 Holiday Reads for the Intellectually Curious

It’s the time to fill those quiet winter hours with a good book. If you’re looking for a stimulating holiday read to tickle your brain, we have just the right recommendations for you!

Arts & Humanities

Call for Manuscripts: History of Philosophy and Science

We are looking for English-language manuscripts on the history of the engagement between philosophy and science.

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