
Science & Technology

Tackling Plastics Pollution with Chemical Recycling: An Interview with Katrina Knauer

This year’s Earth Day centers on reducing plastic pollution for the sake of both humanity and planetary health. We spoke with polymer scientist Dr. Katrina Knauer about innovative recycling technologies and the development of new plastics that could make a significant contribution to achieving this mission.

Politics & Society

Talking About Sustainability: What’s New in the “Green” Lexicon?

From “green loans” to “green hushing” – environmental discourse is continually expanding with new terms to guide us through a sustainability-oriented world. So, what’s the latest in the green lexicon?

Academia & Publishing

How “Second-Hand Libraries” Breathe New Life into Old Buildings

In the pursuit for sustainability, there’s no need to construct new buildings to create new libraries. From repurposed railway stations and supermarkets even to slaughterhouses, the potential to establish unique library spaces infused with character and community spirit is limitless.

Business & Economics

Save the Planet, Grow the Economy! Lessons from Tiger Conservation

For too long, we’ve separated ecology from economics and economics from ecology, often leaving local people out of the equation altogether. However, a tiger conservation project in India shows us how these frameworks can work together seamlessly for a sustainable future.

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