#science discoveries

Science & Technology

Air pollution and adverse pregnancy outcomes

The developing foetus is particularly susceptible to environmental pollutants. Accumulating evidence shows certain air pollutants may have an adverse effect […]

Science & Technology

Practising Sahaja Yoga meditation could reduce depression and anxiety

Depression and anxiety can make everyday life hard for sufferers. Research has shown that physical exercise and mediation can help with depression and anxiety. Used as a form of intervention to improve mental health, meditation is becoming a focus of scientific attention. Combined with yoga, research shows that Sahaja Yoga meditation has a positive effect on anxiety.

Science & Technology

Could snail and slug slime provide an alternative to conventional antibiotics?

Slug and snail slime not only acts as an adhesive and lubricant for the creatures, it allows them to glide […]

Science & Technology

Reclassification suggested for Tibetan wild sheep in Nepal

One of the nine sub-species of the world’s largest wild sheep, inhabiting China, India and Nepal in Central Asia, the […]

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