
Politics & Society

World on the Move: A Discussion with Kathryn Abrams and Mark Terkessidis

Right now, over 110 million people are experiencing displacement from their homes, surpassing all previous records of refugeedom. In the latest virtual event in our “Humanities for Humans” series, legal scholar Dr. Kathryn Abrams and migration researcher Dr. Mark Terkessidis discuss the pressing questions about a world on the move.

Academia & Publishing

10 Jahre Open-Access-Bücher bei De Gruyter: Özkan Ezli und sein Gewinnertitel „Narrative der Migration”

10 Jahre – 10 Gewinnertitel! Unser Open-Access-Jubiläum feierten wir mit einem Wettbewerb, dessen Gewinner und Gewinnerinnen sich der Reihe nach in kurzen Interviews vorstellen werden. Einer von ihnen ist der Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaftler Özkan Ezli.

Science & Technology

Tiny bat breaks long-distance record on an epic journey across Europe

When biologists recovered a previously ringed bat in northern Spain, they were baffled. The small Nathusius’ pipistrelle male had travelled […]

Arts & Humanities

Diaspora and Home: An Interview with Homi K. Bhabha

How much displacement can an individual or a group take? Homi K. Bhabha talks about migration, biography and culture – and how the refugee could become the model on which to think about new forms of belonging and citizenship.

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