#academic publishing

Academia & Publishing

How De Gruyter Is Making Its eBooks More Accessible

Not everyone experiences reading the same way. To ensure that people with visual impairments can access the same information as everybody else, we set up a dedicated working group at De Gruyter to improve the accessibility of our content. We spoke to three of its members about the challenges and achievements of the past year.

Academia & Publishing

Subscribe to Open: How to Make the Shift to Open Access More Inclusive

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to the transition to Open Access. Find out why we think Subscribe to Open is the way forward to open up scholarship more inclusively and sustainably.

Academia & Publishing

How to Find the Right Academic Publisher

Finding the right publisher for your scholarly work can seem daunting. Here are the three most important things to bear in mind when starting out as a first-time author.

Academia & Publishing

The Evolving Role of the Academic Librarian – From Traditional to Digital

By embracing new mindsets and roles, academic librarians are dispelling the long-outdated image of bookworms surrounded by dusty shelves. Not only have they adapted to the digital transformation: they are actively driving it.

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