Arts & Humanities

10 Jahre Open-Access-Bücher bei De Gruyter: Frédérique Renno und ihr Gewinnertitel „Die deutschsprachige weltliche Liedkultur um 1600”

Frédérique Renno erforscht den ästhetischen Wandel von Dichtung und Musik um 1600 – außerdem ist sie eine der Gewinnerinnen unseres Open-Access-Wettbewerbs. Im Kurzinterview stellt sie sich und ihr neues Buch vor.

Business & Economics

The CHIPS and Science Act: Why the USA Invests $52.7 Billion in Its Semiconductor Industry

Whether in mobile phones, data centers, or cars – microchips are everywhere, and ongoing shortages affect countless industries worldwide. To boost innovation in the United States, Joe Biden recently signed the $280bn CHIPS and Science Act 2022, of which a large part, $52.7bn, is earmarked for the semiconductor industry. What justifies such an enormous government investment in one industry?

Arts & Humanities

Elisa Cuter, Guido Kirsten and Hanna Prenzel on “Precarity in European Film”

In our latest book talk we explore questions of precarity in European cinema. What exactly does precarity mean? Is class still a relevant issue today? And can we identify common themes in films selected from across Europe? To find out, we sat down with the three editors of “Precarity in European Film.”

Arts & Humanities

Humanities for Humans: An Interview With Irene Kacandes

Increasingly heated debates around hot-button issues are deepening rifts across society. Dr. Irene Kacandes wants to change the conversation. We talked with the Dartmouth professor about a new lecture series supported by the Walter de Gruyter Foundation that brings together humanities scholars and the broader public to defuse the polarizing issues of our time.

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