Business & Economics

“The Job of the Company is to make the World a Better Place”: An Interview with Roger Martin

In order to achieve corporate responsibility, board members should consider their position an act of public service, thought leader Roger Martin believes.

Science & Technology

The Virtual Switch: Online Conferencing during COVID-19

When confronted with the sudden restrictions by Covid-19 measures, the organizers of the annual LOGIC conference had to make a quick decision: postpone, cancel or drastically adapt the event? They decided for the latter option, and ended up pushing forward their own vision of equity, diversity and inclusion in chemistry.

Arts & Humanities

Call for Manuscripts: Museums and Narrative

We are looking for English-language manuscripts on museums and exhibitions as narrative media for our new book series.

Politics & Society

The Pandemic Reshapes Academic Life – How We Respond Is Key

Academic life is constantly changing, but in the context of COVID-19, those changes have been accelerated.

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